First-Time Buyer? We’re here to help.

Buying your first property is a life-changing event you’ll never forget. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a worrying time.

It may be your first time, but we’ve helped thousands of people just like you get on the ladder, and we’re ready to put all that experience to work.

Searching for the perfect property

It all begins with the search. And while there are plenty of ways to view a property online, there’s only one way to understand if it’s right – and that’s by speaking to someone who knows the area, the street, and the building itself.

A great local agent has probably sold houses right next door and will know if it’s the right kind of place for your first time. They’ll take the time to get to know you and your family so you save time in your search.

Saving for your home

The cost of living has been one of the property industry’s biggest talking points across the country. Rising inflation, fuel and house prices are making it harder for households to save money, but the fundamentals still apply. If there’s one thing everyone is guilty of, it’s buying things we don’t need. Setting yourself a saving target or monthly spending limit is a great way to get your deposit ready – all major banks offer a range of saving accounts and ISAs that help you do just this.

Everyone deserves a treat once in a while; just make sure you stay within budget! Friends invite you out for drinks? Get them round for a couple. Want a takeaway? Look in the fridge – meal prepping is healthier, time-efficient, and saves money.

We all get presents we never touch, so why not start a savings account and ask your friends and family to chip in on special occasions? The amounts don’t have to be large; every little helps. It also saves them the trouble of choosing a gift and gives them a warm feeling that they’re helping.

Selling belongings you no longer need is another quick and easy way to make money and therefore save faster. Whether you cash items in or use an online selling platform, the digits add up quick.

Finding your first mortgage

Here’s where things get serious. But that doesn’t mean it has to be scary. The economy may go through changes, and deals differ between providers, so it’s a great idea to ask for a little guidance from your agent regarding mortgages, too.

We’ll know who specialises in your kind of property, what their requirements are, and how easy they are to deal with.

Working with your solicitor

So you’ve found that amazing home – and the mortgage is waiting? Well, great agents make themselves invaluable when it comes to helping move the process along.

You need someone who’s there to co-operate with you and your solicitor to keep the momentum behind your purchase, provide all the paperwork you need, and make the process feel easy.

Helping with the extras

But what about all those little extras that you may have never come across before? Insurance, removals, storage and surveys, for instance?

A good agent is there to provide you with a helping hand – and a network of trusted local partners who can provide what you need, when you need it, and keep a close eye on the costs.