Why is a PAT Test needed for rental properties?

Many landlords mistakenly believe that since their properties are rented as unfurnished, there are no portable appliances and therefore a Portable Appliance Test (PAT) is unnecessary. However, it's important to note that white goods such as washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, fridge freezers, and portable heaters are considered portable appliances. Moreover, these appliances have a higher probability of developing faults, with a significant number of accidental dwelling fires caused by faulty appliances and leads.

Allow me to share a noteworthy example from our experiences. We once worked with a landlord from Scotland who agreed to have an additional PAT carried out at their property, in addition to the scheduled yearly gas safety check. During the visit, the engineer discovered an issue with the fridge/freezer and declared it unsafe for use. The appliance was immediately disconnected, and the tenants were instructed not to use it. The landlord was grateful for this information and promptly replaced the appliance.

This story emphasises the importance of conducting PAT tests and adopting a proactive approach, which ultimately reduces the risk of appliance fires. Neglecting to ensure the safety of our portable appliances (including white goods) exposes us to significant risks. Combining these checks with annual Gas Safe Checks is an effective way to prevent disruptions for tenants while ensuring their safety and protecting your property.

To guarantee the safety of your appliances and meet your legal obligations to uphold electrical safety standards in your rental property, it is recommended to have a PAT test performed. Reach out to your local branch to arrange PATs for your property (or properties). If you prefer, your dedicated Property Manager can handle this for you.